Let’s Talk Math!

People talking and discussing ideas

Can you talk about math all day? With whomever brings it up? Do you find yourself making connections between real life struggles and students persevering in math class? Well, that’s what I do!  I love talking about math – elementary that is :).

I find the process of learning about and teaching math concepts conceptually to be very fascinating.  There are many parts of elementary math that can be confusing, difficult, and that just does not make sense, yet I still enjoy discussing it all.  For the past few months I have been pondering on how I can continue to discuss and share my thoughts on elementary math, and the answer is – start a blog!  At least I know on here, anyone who is reading or sharing their thoughts in the comments actually wants to be here and enjoys discussing math just like me. Well I hope so 🙂

So this is my very first post on my blog about elementary math.  Please visit again to read about math topics that encourage you, enlighten you, educate you, and maybe even enrage you.  Comment to engage with other readers to collaborate and share ideas on what we believe to be best for our students and make understanding math even easier before.  This great space is for both teachers and parents. Both sides work together to give the best opportunities possible for the student to be most successful.

Here you’ll find resourceful information in the form of 

  • Articles
  • Videos
  • Photos

And Suggestions for great

  • Books
  • Games
  • Lessons
  • Products

And so much more will be added to make your elementary math world even more exciting!

So what about you?  Do you enjoy math conversations just as much as I do?  Let me know what your favorite skill or concept is in elementary math that you enjoy discussing, teaching, or practicing often. 

To be notified when I post new articles, videos, math game or activity recommendations, please subscribe to my newsletter.

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